Scottish Open 2016

Monday 12 from December, The third episode of the Home Nations Series begins, con el Scottish Open. Eurosport, the snooker house, will broadcast the tournament live, until the very end of Sunday 18 from December, with the comments of Arturo Pérez, Martin Pérez and Sergio Manuel Gutiérrez.

Spain Pro Snooker

Spain Pro Snooker, han tenido el placer de entrevistar a una de las leyendas del Snooker Escocés, Alan McManus. Here are McManus's impressions of the Scottish Open 2016, among other very interesting things.

Alan McManus Teatro Crucible
Alan McManus Teatro Crucible

Sr. McManus, Do you see positive, for the evolution of snooker, the introduction of the Home Nations Series with the 128 professional circuit players since the last round 128?

I think it is very positive for the future of snooker. I think we have missed some tournaments in the UK, in the last 5-10 years. So it is a good initiative . In Belfast and Manchester it was good and hopefully Scotland and Wales, be up to the task.

These tournaments that are the best of 7 frames, now they have a place in the circuit. At first people were quite reluctant to this type of tournaments , but with time they have gotten used to it. It is much faster and you have the results right away and I definitely think there is a place for this type of tournaments.

For players residing on the islands, it takes a bit of travel for them., They are much closer and that is appreciated in such a loaded circuit.

Solo son cuatro los torneos de las Home Nations Series y quizás podrían premiar con la ‘Orden of Meritestos cuatro torneos, 'cause no one's really gonna win the million pound.

Do you think the Home Nations Series schedule, It should be modified for the next season and thus adapt the four tournaments, in such a way, that players and spectators can enjoy and vibrate with the Million Pound option?

There is no way anyone can win the million pounds. I would say there is a 99'999 % chances of not happening. Creo que si en cambio se diera algún tipo de ‘Orden of Meritsobre los cuatro torneos, would make the best players play all four tournaments. I think it would make more sense. But it's the first year and obviously, Barry Hearn, baited that million pounds. It's more hype than anything else and will probably change next season.

What are your feelings for the title assault in your native Scotland?

Obviously I have a tough opponent in the first round, John Higgins. People ask me if I think I have options, but nobody really has much choice against him. But some if I have.

For most players, you assume that you are going to lose at some point in each tournament, but you never know. Watch Liang Wenbo and Mark King in the English and Northern Irish tournament respectively. I am sure this gives hope to many players. A lot of people will see that and think 'Mark King is wearing 25 years of professional and has won his first ranking tournament ’. You can pass. If you believe in it and the stars align, then it is possible.

In Spain his great victory in the Masters of the 1994, in the decider, in front of his compatriot Stephen Hendry , great dominator of snooker at that time. Do you think that we will once again have a player with such hegemony, over a decade, just as Hendry himself did in the 90?

It's hard to tell. Obviously I was around when Stephen started to win his world titles and I was also there when he retired at the end. When i look back, I see Sthepen as a media star, mostly in Great Britain and probably in Europe and Asia as well.

I don't know if anyone can become that great. O'Sullivan has a lot of name today, but there are so many good players that I don't think anyone can master the game like Hendry, did it during 10-12 years. We have seen John Higgins, everyone can have a hot streak, two or three months, with good results and win tournaments, but there are too many good players for just one to dominate the circuit.

Damos las gracias a Alan McManus, por compartir sus conocimientos del mundo del Snooker, con los seguidores de Eurosport.

Formato Scottish Open 2016

El torneo se disputará en el Emirates Arena de Glasgow (Scotland), with 128 professional circuit players, the first four rounds, they will dispute the best of 7 frames (ganar4), quarterfinals for best of 9 frames (ganar5), best of semifinals 11 frames (win 6) and the grand finale to the best of 17 frames (win 9).

Listado jugadores Scottish Open 2016:

Premios Scottish Open 2016

  • Winner: £70,000
  • Finalist: £30,000
  • Semi-finalist: £20,000
  • Cuarto-finalista: £10,000
  • Last 16: £6,000
  • Last 32: £3,500
  • Last 64: £2,500
Home Nations Series Scottish Open 2016
Home Nations Series Scottish Open 2016

TV Coverage


Leyendas Home Nations Series

S. Davis (England) A. Higgins (Irish) S. Hendry (Scottish) R. Reardon (Welsh)

Scottish Open 2016 Home Nations Series
Scottish Open 2016 Home Nations Series
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Resultados Primera Ronda Scottish Open 2016

Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Resultados Segunda Ronda Scottish Open 2016

Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Resultados Cuartos de Final Scottish Open 2016

Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Resultados Semi Finales Scottish Open 2016

Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Final Scottish Open 2016

Scottish Open 2016
Scottish Open 2016

Ronnie O’Sullivan v Matthew Selt

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